Home Community Ross Museum Guide To Move On

Ross Museum Guide To Move On


Alexander Leach, Editor

Clark Burger’s time as guide for the Ross Museum in Forester’s Falls was gone too soon, he said.

“I have only been here for six weeks.” he said. “It wasn’t a very long season.”

Clark was hired by the Museum through the Canada Summer Jobs Program.

The student, who had to depart for the Canadian College of Performing Arts in Victoria, BC, said he enjoyed his time guiding tours of the museum.

“It was lovely.” he said, saying that an average day for him was “a lot of cleaning”.

“We get a lot of donations. We have to process and label them.” he said. “The Whitewater Historical Society gives me a lot of tasks, such as labeling new items.”

He said he would typically guide a few tours per day of the four buildings present in Forester’s Falls: the Exhibit Building, Log House, Drive Shed, and St. Aiden’s Church.

He also organized the Ross Rhythm musical event outside the Museum on August 18th., attended by approximately 60 people, considered ‘successful’.

“We haven’t been having events, due to COVID.” he said.

He said his great grandfather once owned the cement block maker, and one of the buildings was donated from his great aunt and uncle.

Burger’s sister had been hired under the program four years prior, which prompted him to apply for the 2022 summer.

The Ross Museum will be open every Saturday, 1:00 – 4:00 p.m. from now until October 8th.  Hannah Sharpe will be at the museum during these hours to provide information and guide anyone who wishes to go through the buildings.

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