Home Uncategorized RVH Foundation’s lottery prize is priceless

RVH Foundation’s lottery prize is priceless


The Renfrew Victoria Hospital Foundation is excited to announce a special lottery draw in celebration of 20th anniversary of the RVHF Golf Classic tournament.

Tickets went on sale Monday, June 26, for a golf tour package, which includes admission for two to the 2018 Masters Final Round in Augusta, Georgia, on April 7th-8th, 2018, a three-night stay, and daily transportation between the accommodations and event.

“Tickets cannot be purchased for this event—fans who hope to attend the Masters must enter their names in a lottery, so this prize is really priceless,” explains Barb Desilets, RVHF Executive Director.

Tickets are $50 each and the draw, which will take place on January 27, 2018, includes three cash prizes in addition to the first prize Masters package. Proceeds will go towards the 2018 RVHF Golf Classic tournament.

To purchase tickets, visit the RVH Foundation office at 499 Raglan Street North, or purchase online following the instructions on our webpage: www.rvhfoundation.com. For additional information contact Hannah MacMillan at 613-432-4851 ext. 312 or email [email protected]

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