Home Community Safety presentation next week

Safety presentation next week


RENFREW — The Renfrew Detachment of the OPP and the Renfrew Police Service Board are welcoming an expert to speak in Renfrew on Tuesday, December 9 at 7 p.m.
Paul Davis brings a wealth of experience in safety on social media sites and will be sharing his knowledge with the public. Mr. Davis is the president of Social Networking Safety and speaks to thousands of students and parents every year.
If you are a parent or guardian, grandparent or babysitter you should attend.
Mr. Davis will be presenting to all students at Renfrew Collegiate Institute (RCI) and St. Joseph’s High School during the daytime on December 9.
All young people have access to some or all of the following: cell phones, computers, social media sites, and online gaming.
Come and learn how your kids can get tricked, in trouble, or fall prey while online. This free 90 minute presentation will make you more aware of what pre-teens and teens are exposed to online and how to protect them.
The event is on Tuesday, Dec. 9 at St. Joseph’s High School, 7 p.m.

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