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Sasquatch: Apes Among Us


When I was a kid we often hunted with homemade bow and arrows in Dunn’s bush, jam-packed with various coniferous trees. I always kept a lookout for a Sasquatch I frequently heard adults mention. They discussed it in a rather mysterious custom as if it wasn’t meant for kids. I didn’t know if I did confront such a mammoth would I streak out of there or keep rigid as if lifeless. I knew if I did sight one it would make news headlines!

As the years went by I thought about this ape-like creature less but with every new sighting, usually near the North American west coast, my interest piqued once again. Although yearning to witness it first-hand, I couldn’t afford the time or money to go west on a Bigfoot search expedition.

Sometimes, I imagined this most popular monster roaming right at the top of the old ski hill just beyond Dunn’s forest (mostly cleared for farmland these days). I think once that I spotted a small figure moving along the ridge. It downright scared me as I must have made eye contact with it but I regained my composure. With my camera I had with me of course, I responsively captured a picture of that Sasquatch. Viewing it later, it did show a black dot towards the peak of the hill but was so insignificant it could have been a regular person, or an animal or even a hunk of brush blowing around in with the wind. Certainly my photo would have proved nothing so it couldn’t be shared with the media or uploaded to YouTube.

Apparently when Sheila and her family vacationed at their place by the water, her son when he was young alleged that a Sasquatch lived in the trees beside them and so he would never venture too far. About seven or eight years later, Sheila spotted a three-foot Sasquatch in the Sears catalogue. She bought it for him and laid it on his bed. Her son didn’t think it was cool though – too old now, I guess.

I found out Sasquatch, or Bigfoot as they are often called, are hairy all over and walk upright. They are ape-like creatures who dwell in dark forests but leave footprints behind as if to torment those seeking them. They are depicted to be the missing link between our human ancestors and the great apes. When I think about this, it does make a lot of sense.

With all the related hype, there have been accidents, like a hunter shooting another man he mistook for a Sasquatch. Then there is the two politicians in the US vying for a seat in congress to replace the sitting one who resigned. One of the politicians accused the other of writing Sasquatch erotica which in turn only affected the number of porn hits.

Most scientists have discounted the existence of Sasquatch, considering it to be a combination of folklore, misidentification or a hoax. However some anthropologists have lately expressed a belief in their existence. This led to specialists from many disciplines put the most compelling Sasquatch evidence under the microscope and applied forensic science to it. Their revolutionary conclusions shed new light to the mystery of a living North American ape in our forests. They discovered scientific proof for the existence of a giant primate species – a species fitting the descriptions of Sasquatches.

The Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO) is an all-volunteer network of researchers, archivists and researchers that maintains a database of credible sightings and related reports. In addition to thousands of records on file, there were two sightings this spring, one in Pennsylvania and the other in New York State.

Another group, the Bigfoot Believers Group (BFBG) was created in 2012 and boasts of more than 1500 members. The idea behind it is to share their stories and evidence without being ridiculed. They pride themselves on a few staunch rules while preferring to keep things friendly.

Jane Goodall who was best remembered for her work in the protection of chimpanzees said, “I hope that Bigfoot exists but so far I hadn’t seen any evidence one way or the other.” As for me, I haven’t seen pure evidence either but I do believe they are out there.

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