Home Community Spring Chicken fundraiser on May 9

Spring Chicken fundraiser on May 9


It’s expected there will be more than 250 competitors at this year’s BORCA Spring Chicken fundraiser — and not one of them is a chicken.
The May 9 event is a 25 and 55 kilometre bike ride through various trails near Beachburg, the Renfrew County Forest and behind the Whitewater Brewing Company, said Cameron Dube, a member of BORCA (Beachburg Off Road Cycling Association).
BORCA has created many single track trails for mountain biking, he said. He noted many landowners in the area have allowed the bike trails to cross or go onto their properties.
“The landowners are fantastic around here,” he said. “We rarely get shot down.”
For this event, both rides are classified as gruelling events, mostly because of the time of year, Mr. Dube said. There are wet conditions and in some places a clay base.
“You can get stuck and the trails can be slick,” he explained.
It’s expected the race will take about three hours. If anyone comes in less, that would be extremely fast, he added.
The 25 kilometre ride should take about half the time he said.
The cost is $45 for the long ride and $35 for the shorter one. The only required equipment is an approved cycling helmet, he said, and of course, a cross country mountain bike would be appropriate.
These are events that happen all over Canada and in 2009, BORCA decided to jump in and make it a fundraiser, he said. The money goes towards making more trails and paying various expenses, such as insurance.
The trails will hopefully encourage people to “get outside, moving and having fun,” Mr. Dube said. “There is a growing contingency of riders in the area.”
This year’s event will begin and end at the Beachbug Arena, Mr. Dube said.
To begin the cycling event, well-known resident Art Jamieson riding a tractor will lead the cyclists from the arena at 10:30 a.m. and travel to Simple Things Country Store. Once the riders hit a spot somewhere between Simple Things and Powers Road (place to be determined yet), they will be let loose to travel at their own pace, Mr. Dube explained.
The event will go regardless of the weather.
“In 2009, our first year, there were 99 participants, and we planned on 40 to 50, and it was two degrees and sleeting,” Mr. Dube recalled.
As for the 25 and 55 kilometre run, they will travel the same course as the cyclists, he said.
For the five and 10 kilometre runs, and the 12 and under children’s event, they will happen near the arena, he said.
Once the competitors have returned, there will be food and beverages from Whitewater Brewing company and an awards ceremony.
There will be a draw for a Fatbike for those registered in the events, he said. It’s valued at $1,300 and it’s from a major sponsor, Gear Heads/Norco Bikes in Petawawa.
Dawn Dube will again be organizing the bake sale as well as a live auction. The bake sale is an opportunity for people to donate baked goods and purchase them as well. There will also be a live auction for cakes, which will be created by local pastry shops and chefs.
For more information on this event, please go to http://bikebeachburg.blogspot.ca/

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