Home Community St. Andrew’s United Church in Beachburg is now fully accessible

St. Andrew’s United Church in Beachburg is now fully accessible


WHITEWATER REGION (Beachburg) – It’s taken 11 years, but the parishioners of St. Andrew’s United Church in Beachburg accomplished the goal of the church becoming accessible by having an hydraulic lift installed.

Marilyn Labow fills in the missing pieces of the fundraising thermometer.

During Sunday’s regular service, March 4, Marilyn Labow had the honour of filling in the final slates on the large, wooden thermometer used to keep track of how much of the $150,000 needed was raised. When she reached the goal-mark, she kept going until she was at $154,000.
As she added the final pieces, Ms. Labow said, “The last few dollars are alw

ays the hardest to reach, but we did that and more.

“I thank everyone for making this possible.”
Rev. Moratz said this is a joyous occasion and made possible through hard work. This was a “heavy, financial load” and was completed “while fulfilling other needs of the church as warranted.”

In reviewing the history of the lift, it all started in 2007 when the church board made the commitment to make the church accessible. An enabling report was completed which included the lift and upgrading the existing bathrooms to be wheelchair accessible.
Building and fundraising committees were formed, and p

The new hydraulic lift at St. Andrews United Church was officially dedicated on Sunday during the regular Sunday service. The first person to use the lift following the dedication was Ezma Weedmark (centre). She is flanked by, Marilyn Labow (left) and Lisa Bradbury, fundraising committee. In the back are , from left, Ian Marshall, project engineer with McIntosh Perry Consultants; Ian Wright of WWW Contracting and Reverend Kevin Moratz.

lans were put in motion which would allow those with disabilities access to both the sanctuary and the fellowship in the basement of the church through the lift. In April 2008, the bathrooms were made fully accessible – now to continue to raise money for the lift.
The Accessiblity Renovation Fundraising Committee – Lisa Bradbury, Heather Campbell, Leanne Caniff, Marilyn Labow and Grace and Barry Stephen – helped organize barbecues, cookbook sales, home shows, music nights, a talk show with Roy MacGregor, boat cruises on the Ottawa River, Chile fests and delicious desserts in order to raise the $140,000 cost of the lift.
In September 2012, the building committee – Jim and Marilyn Labow, Audrey Cormack, Shirley Collins, Barry Stephen, Keith Haycock and Eleanor McLaughlin – were called into action and hired Morris-Thuemen to draw up the blueprints.
Four years later, it was determined the plans needed to be updated, but the original architect had tired. Ian Marshall from McIntosh Perry Consultants was retained to update the plans and act as construction overseer. He suggested there would be substantial savings in construction if all the construction was exterior, requiring only an opening in the church wall in the basement and sanctuary.

The fundraising and building committee members who attended the Dedication Service on Sunday at St. Andrew’s United Church on Sunday in Beachburg were, front row from left, Lisa Bradbury, Marilyn Labow and Rev. Kevin Moratz. Back row from left, Jim Labow, Grace Stephen, Leanne Canniff, Heather Campbell, Barry Stephen and Shirley Collins. Absent are members Eleanor McLaughlin, Audrey Cormack and Keith Haycock.

Ian Wright from WWW Contracting in Beachburg was selected to do the construction and on May 7, 2017, the sod turning ceremony was held.
“With your generous support of this uplifting project, we are here today to celebrate in this dedication service,” noted Rev. Moratz.
Following Sunday’s service, a luncheon was served in the downstairs hall, and the lift was well used.

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