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Renfrew County Virtual mental health/addiction walk-in clinic

Renfrew County residents often face a long wait time when they need to access mental health and addiction counselling. In response, the Renfrew County...

Renfrew County COVID-19 Vaccination Update

The Renfrew County and District (RCD) COVID-19 Vaccine Communications Committee is working closely with the RCD COVID-19 Command Table to provide clear, concise, and...

Renfrew County In-person Schooling Resumes on January 25th

Press Release TORONTO— Today, Stephen Lecce, Minister of Education, issued the following statement to provide an update on which schools can resume for in-person learning. “On...

County of Renfrew Launches Community Paramedicine for Long-Term Care Program

Press ReleaseJacklyn Stott, County of Renfrew Economic Development Services RENFREW: Yesterday, the Ministry of Long-Term Care announced that it is investing up to $5 million...

New Funding for Whitewater Bromley Community Health Centre helps ease Primary Care shortage (Paid...

Paid AnnouncementLRHCS The Whitewater Bromley Community Health Centre (WBCHC) – a part of Lanark Renfrew Health & Community Services (LRHCS) has been working closely with...