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Test your well water if flood waters surrounded the well


Renfrew County and District is currently experiencing localized flooding due to a combination of heavy rains and runoff from melting snow. Rising water levels pose a threat to the health and safety of residents.   The Ministry of Natural Resources and Forestry has issued a Flood Warning for Pembroke District and Bancroft District; this includes Renfrew County, Township of South Algonquin and Algonquin Park.

Flood water and water ponding around wells can affect the safety of your drinking water. Renfrew County and District Health Unit is recommending residents with wells that are being affected by flood conditions:

  1. boil your water for one minute at a rolling boil before drinking, food preparation or brushing teeth with the water,
  2. use bottled water or,
  3. use water from an alternate potable water source.

Have your well water tested for bacteria when flood waters recede. Water sample bottles can be picked up and dropped off at the Renfrew County and District Health Unit. For more locations, visit https://www.rcdhu.com/healthy-living/safe-water/.

During heavy rains and floods, the ground can become saturated, preventing proper operation of your septic system. If you septic system has been affected reduce the amount of water used by limiting toilet flushing, dishwashing, washing clothes, and showering.

Do not pump your septic system when the ground around it is still saturated. High ground water levels may cause an empty septic tank to float out of the ground, and damage the inlet and outlet fittings.

Flood waters can be contaminated with sewage so be aware these waters can cause illness.

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