Home Special Interest The Dark Side of Enlightenment

The Dark Side of Enlightenment


There is a word that is often used in churches, in motivational seminars and even in pool rooms, although in the latter case it is mostly used in a bragging sort of way after maybe a player makes a cross-bank in the side pocket. The word is enlightenment. Whatever it is, I wanted a piece of the action.

I began asking around. Most people didn’t know about it or didn’t care. Some wanted to get some but had no clue of how. Those who had achieved enlightenment had difficulty describing the process. Instead, they recommended I set out on my own path by doing some research, reading up on the subject and studying my past for clues. I wasn’t so certain that my past would be helpful!

Since I always found it practical to take shortcuts, reduces time and hassles, I considered anything I might already have learned about enlightenment. There was a popular book called The Secret some years ago that created a beehive of interest. People couldn’t wait to read it. Within weeks, there was nothing secret about the book as everyone had debated every element in it to the nth degree.

However, it did explain the laws of gravitation and how to project positive thoughts to influence the energy of the universe. That meant anything you desired would be granted. Some in the neighbourhood were delirious with the thought of getting a second SUV, a new grandchild or finding where their husband disappeared too. They believed that miracles could happen. I began to calculate how much I lost out on by not using this method earlier; a great career, a leather coat, even a cruise to Alaska and much more.

I wanted my first wish to be modest so I decided $10,000 was a nice round figure. By concentrating, I projected that desire up into the cosmos (only a single request was necessary). For good measure, I printed a poster showing the same wish and taped it onto my TV set so that it hung partially over the screen, a constant reminder of what I desired and would receive. I also requested that the universe stimulate a friend of mine I used to work with to deliver me a six-figure cheque.

I waited and waited. The money didn’t come from either source. My faith waned, as did that of the others who had expectations. All but the one who was wishing for the new grandchild! Her youngest daughter was suddenly in the family way and no steady guy.

By fate, I made contact with my friend. He recalled that he still owed me $20 and asked if I wanted it sent to me. Less than one percent of what I had expected, I said don’t bother.

Maybe I should have gone for a free vacation instead of money! Strangely, those annoying words my parents use to say so often came to mind, “Nothing will come to you, unless you work for it first.” But this was work, mental work – stressful too.

Never one to give up, I talked again to those who knew about enlightenment. One quoted a Chinese philosopher, “Enlightenment is the belief in the power of human reason.” I was more confused than ever. He must have had more common sense than I did. I did twig to the fact that my path wasn’t a path, but was really a journey — one that seemed even more onerous, as some journeys can stretch into a long way.

Not likely to find myself in Tibet having private consultations with the Dali Lama, I figured reading was the more reasonable way to hit the trail. One recommendation was “Buddha: A Story of Enlightenment”. From the book, I gleaned where a young prince forgoes his life of privilege and everything he could have at his fingertips to wander around for years on his journey. Eventually he achieved enlightenment but had nothing else. That doesn’t seem like that great a trade-off to me.

I also read that enlightenment is the goal of all life and that all history has been pushing us towards that end. Was I heading in that direction or was I just drifting along for the ride, I wondered!
Then there was James Redfield’s work, The Celestine Prophecy. Two revelations that stuck with me were about auras and synchronicity. I can now see the auras of trees. How that will enhance my life, I don’t know. Synchronicities and the magic behind these meaningful coincidences reveal messages from the unseen dimensions of our universe to guide us through our spiritual journey. It is the key to opening doors for many. No doors have been springing open yet, for me.

The next exercise was skimming a couple of books by Eckhart Tolle on spiritual enlightenment. Echkart’s style guides you through the self-help steps that are easy to follow. There are many steps; I would need cue cards to remember them all. Enlightenment is the end of suffering he says. But, it means getting rid of all those negative thoughts whirling around in your head put there by your ego. With all those thoughts gone, you might be empty-headed but you would have Oneness and that’s when you have a shot at enlightenment. I’m having a hard time wrapping my head around that one.

The Church has finally given permission for a Nun’s secret from 1917, the third message of Fatima, given to her by the Blessed Virgin, to be revealed to the people in the near future. Punishment will follow shortly. “Many souls will be lost but many more will be enlightened and they will persevere to see the light of day.”

Idrier Shah’s edict that “Enlightenment comes little by little – otherwise it would overwhelm.” This provides little comfort for the slow progress I am making. I may not be enlightened when the third message takes effect. Will I be one of those lost souls too?

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