Home Special Interest The question is … What would you say?

The question is … What would you say?


Special to Whitewater News

Many years ago, a young girl asked me, “Mr. Broome is there really a God?” and when I asked why she replied “Well I’ve been thinking about God a lot but I can’t find the answers I’m seeking.” So I said, “Well to begin with my dear, let’s consider the animal kingdom.”
For example, there is a bird in Africa that weaves a nest very similar to our Baltimore Oriole — except this bird also weaves a hidden entrance into its nest to foil predators. Now if you took this bird’s eggs home and hatched them out, the baby birds would grow up, find a mate, and then begin to weave a nest with this very same hidden entrance.
The question is who taught them how to do this? The answer is no one, they are simply following a pre-programmed response inherent in their genetic makeup that is passed on from one generation to another.
Next, let’s consider the unusual way all cuckoo birds reproduce, because no baby cuckoo is ever raised by its real parents. Instead, as soon as its parents mate they separate. The female cuckoo then lays a single egg in some other bird’s nest, after which she flies away leaving the other bird to incubate the egg and raise her chick.
Curiously, the cuckoo birds’ egg has a shorter incubation period than most other bird’s, which means it usually hatches out first, and when it does, the baby cuckoo immediately begins lurching around the nest until it finds either another egg or another chick.
It then maneuvers each one into a crook in its neck and shoves them out of the nest one by one until the nest is empty, after which it sits back and waits to be fed by its doting foster parents who don’t know the difference.
So, the question arises, who taught the baby cuckoo to do all this, and why was it born with a crook in its neck? And the answer is no one did, for it is simply responding to the programming inherent in its being, and the crook in its neck is a special design meant to perform a specific function.
Nor do the adult cuckoo birds decide to be bad parents by leaving their young in the care of others, because their method of reproduction is the result of a pre-programmed response as well.
Finally I said, “Now, for something really amazing there’s the Australian duck billed platypus, because there is no other species on earth just like it.”
This unique little creature is the size of a muskrat, has the tail of a beaver, the bill and webbed feet of a duck, spurs on its hind legs which can inject venom like a reptile, and it lays eggs like a bird, but amazingly after the eggs hatch the platypus then suckles its young like a mammal.
The question here is, how could the genetic characteristics of three completely separate species namely reptiles, mammals and birds, have ever combined to produce a hybrid like the platypus?
Well they didn’t, because that’s an impossibility in nature, which means the platypus was created by an intelligent being for whom nothing is impossible. And, I believe he did so to confound the evolutionists of today who say all life on earth evolved over millions of years, and the creation account in the Old Testament book of Genesis is just a myth.
But, if the process of evolution is correct why is evolution called “The theory of evolution”? It’s because it is a theory not a fact!
The fact is all life declares the existence of a supreme being if we incline our eyes to see, and minds to understanding, because everything God made still contains the same instructions he ordained for it from the beginning. And, that beginning was the Creation — and we can see this creation around us everywhere. Then, it follows there had to be a Creator. And, as all life contains pre-programmed instructions within their DNA — there had to be a Programmer. And, as there are literally millions of different designs in nature, then there had to be a Designer. And, as we know the entire universe is governed by laws, then it follows there had to be a Lawgiver — which means that this creator – programmer – designer – and lawgiver is none other than God, wouldn’t you say
To which she replied, “Yes, because what you just said proves to me that He really does exist”
Now, if someone asked you the question this girl asked me what would you say? Because this is what I tell them, and no one has ever tried to dispute it with me because it’s beyond disputation.

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