Home Community Tour de Whitewater is growing — get your bicycles ready to ride

Tour de Whitewater is growing — get your bicycles ready to ride





WHITEWATER REGION (Westmeath) — Time to get the bicycles warmed up as there is only 107 days before the third annual Tour de Whitewater, with a new twist, a craft beer fest with food.

The cycling event is scheduled for the morning of Saturday, July 6, while the Brew is in the afternoon. All the cycling events start and end at the Westmeath Arena, the same location as the Brew.

Cathy Williamson, who is chairing the committee, was a delegation to speak about the event at last night’s Whitewater Region council meeting.

“There’s a lot of work involved in such a huge event and the only way that can happen is the result of a committed, hard-working team of people who will take a small piece of the puzzle and make it all come together in a successful community event,” she said.

Ms. Williamson then introduced the committee members, some who were in attendance: Bob Grylls, Cheryl Spotswood, Eric Price, Ron Moss, Beth Ethier, Matthew Garfat, Cindy Jamieson, Jeannelle Romain, Wendy Orcutt, Cory Moss, D’Arcy and Jan McMullen and Lynn McMullen.

Ms. Williamson noted changes have been made to some of the routes to include having the cyclists travel through Foresters Falls where volunteers with the Whitewater Historical Society will have a washroom/rest station set up. As well, Cindy Jamieson will also have a washroom/rest station set up in Beachburg at her new business location, Whitewater Inn, the former Old Manse. The washrooms at Little Lakes will also be opened, she noted.

Last year, there were 381 riders, Ms. Williamson said. Of those, 64 were from Whitewater Region, 100-plus were from Renfrew County and another 100-plus came from far away.

Ms. Williamson noted many were disappointed the day ended at 1 p.m., which is why the beerfest was added.

She advised there are three levels of sponsorship for Tour de Whitewater – gold sponsors contribute $500 and names are printed on the t-shirts advertising the business. Silver sponsors will either make a cash or in-kind donation. Bronze sponsors will provide gifts to be given away at the event. The silver and bronze sponsors will be acknowledged publicly and on social media platforms.

Proceeds from this event will go towards building a Westmeath Active-Living Rest Stop by the arena, where many cyclists from the region often begin their tours, Ms. Williamson said.

“It is good to know that there will be a washroom facility on spot,” she said. “When the arena and hall are locked, there are no washroom facilities in Westmeath.”

Ms. Ethier and Ms. Spotswood are working on the brewfest. Ms. Ethier said many brewers said no because the event is so small.

“We almost gave up, but then things started to change,” she said.

Ms. Spotswood noted there are three breweries now – Whitewater Brewery, Square Timber from Pembroke and Conspiracy Theory from Ottawa – that will be attending the event. There is also a distillery vodka made from dairy and KIN Vineyards from Carp is bringing wine and Flying Hard Canoe hard cider from Ottawa is also attending.

As for food vendors, Eganville’s Finest is attending as well as a gourmet popcorn vendor from Ottawa, she added.

White Pine Yoga from Pembroke will do beer yoga.

“Anyone can do it, so we hope to see some of our councillors on the grass beside the rink,” Ms. Spotswood said.

But, more vendors could sign up before the event happens, she added.

There will also be entertainment in the afternoon for young and old, Ms. Ethier added.

“Spread the word, you don’t want to miss the Whitewater Bike and Brew on July 6,” Ms. Spotswood said.

Ending her presentation, Ms. Williamson said, “So there you have it, a community working hard to showcase our beautiful Whitewater Region while encouraging people to be healthy, active and socially alive.”

Councillor Chris Olmstead is impressed with the event.

“From a council perspective, these are the exact types of things the community really needs to get behind and support,” he said. “This has turned into a real signature event for the township.”

He then encouraged council to participate in the ride, which he also participated in last year, noting he cycled about 30 kilometres.

“I’ll be challenging council, anybody who can make it, for donations, as well as to do an extended ride,” he said.

Councillor Neil Nicholson believes this is an excellent opportunity for tourism prompted by the community.

“This is tourism generated from the bottom up, so we’re not having to pay an employee to come up with a way to increase tourism, this is the way to do it,” he said.

People from outside the community are attending, he noted.

He noted in-kind from council is the Westmeath Arena rink slab, firefighters leading the cyclists, road work is being done on the cycling routes and money form the reserves is going to support the rest station, the first of many.

Registration for Tour de Whitewater is happening now with a fee increase on May 1.


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