WHITEWATER REGION — The Province of Ontario updated the list of essential businesses effective Saturday, April 4 aimed at further reducing contact between people and stopping the spread of COVID-19. This affects, among others, the building services offered by the Township of Whitewater Region.
The following residential construction projects and services may continue: Residential construction projects where, a footing permit has been granted for single family, semi-detached and townhomes; an above grade structural permit has been granted for condominiums, mixed use and other buildings; or the project involves renovations to residential properties and construction work was started before April 4. Also, construction and maintenance activities necessary to temporarily close construction sites that have paused or are not active and to ensure ongoing public safety may continue. Since permits are considered an essential service, the Township will continue to process and issue Building Permits with permit holders responsible for following regulations. For any questions relating to the building permits or inspections, residents are asked to contact Doug Schultz by phone or email.
The Ministry of Economic Development, Job Creation and Trade has issued a COVID-19 Action Plan Summary of the programs to support Businesses and Individuals. The County of Renfrew Economic Development Services is trying to better understand the circumstances of the impacts to the businesses and people within the County of Renfrew during the COVID-19 pandemic. They are requesting that you complete a short survey, which takes less than 10 minutes, at www.ovta.typeform.com/to/fkMmz6. The results will help the County’s efforts to secure economic relief from the provincial and federal governments as well as enable us to better direct the best available information and resources to you.
For tourism relating COVID-19 updates and programs, consider subscribing to Tourism Industry Association of Canada (TIAC) at www.tiac-aitc.ca, which is open to everyone, including non-members. TIAC is compiling news and announcements from the federal government as it relates to the tourism industry.
To the general public, Upper Ottawa Valley Ontario Provincial Police (OPP) would request we all help to keep our families, communities and businesses safe and secure during this State of Emergency. If you see any suspicious activity around a business that you know are closed or any homes where people aren’t around, call the police or report it to Emergency at 911 or Non-Emergency at 1-888-310-1122.
The Township continues to offer financial incentives to facilitate revitalization, redevelopment and beautification in defined areas of the Township through its Community Improvement Plan. The CIP applies to the redevelopment and improvements to businesses located on the
primary corridors (main streets) throughout the Township and programs which improve water, shorelines and waterfront quality, septic system remediation and value-added agricultural uses. Additional information will be shared as available on the municipal website.