Home Health Vaccine Milestone: 70% Renfrew County Vaccinated

Vaccine Milestone: 70% Renfrew County Vaccinated


Press Release

Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) is reporting good news for the residents of Renfrew County and District (RCD) in the fight against COVID-19. As of June 17, 2021, 70% of all RCDHU residents aged 18 and over, have received at least one dose of a COVID-19 vaccine. Specifically, 54% of residents aged 18 and over, have received one dose and another 16% have now received two doses.

Over 90% of RCDHU residents aged 60 and over have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine, while more than 50% of RCD youth (ages 12 to 17) have received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine.

Additionally, RCDHU has reported less than 10 cases per week for the past 2 weeks. “The last time we saw numbers this low, was over 4 months ago in mid-February,” states Dr. Cushman, Acting Medical Officer of Health, RCDHU. “In addition to declining case numbers, vaccine rollout efforts in RCD have been in full swing. In fact, approximately 22,000 doses of COVID-19 vaccine have been administered in RCD in June so far!” continues Dr. Cushman.

The success of RCD’s local vaccine rollout can be attributed to the multiple vaccination channels that residents have been able to access across five regions in RCD. Together with hospital, primary care, and paramedic service partners, RCDHU has been successful in running mass immunization clinics, vaccinating thousands of residents, while local pharmacies across RCD have also played a vital role in providing access to vaccines services.
RCDHU in collaboration with partners, has been able to support Long-Term Care Homes, Retirement Homes, and congregate care homes with mobile teams to administer vaccinations for residents and staff on site at their own facilities. These mobile teams have also played a key role in ensuring chronic home care recipients have had access to vaccination services through in home vaccination visits.

“This 70% uptake of first doses is a huge milestone for the residents of RCD. RCDHU staff, along with all our partners have, and continue to work hard to ensure our community is protected through vaccination services. We are getting even closer to putting this pandemic in our rear-view mirror,” states Erin Vereyken, Manager COVID-19 Vaccine Rollout, RCDHU.

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