WDRA Annual General Meeting – 2018

Cutline for photo: The executive of the Westmeath and District Recreation Association are, front row from left, Bob Grylls, Leatricet Norlock, Marie Paul McMullen, Brenda Grady, Beth Ethier and Shari Kosowan. Back row from left, Neil Nicholson, Heather Fleury and Peter Ethier.
Director at Large
Westmeath and District Recreation Association
The Westmeath and District Recreation Association held its AGM on Monday, April 16.
Three new people were elected to the Board of Directors for one-year terms: Beth Ethier as Secretary, Shari Kosowan as Program Co-ordinator (formerly called Sports Co-ordinator) and Leatrice Norlock as Kitchen Manager.
Brenda Grady was re-elected president for a two-year term while Neil Nicholson retains his post as vice-president, also for a two-year term.
Marie-Paul McMullen is the bar manager; Bob Grylls is director at large; Heather Fleury is treasurer and Peter Ethier remains facilities manager.
The past year was a positive one. Sports programs, in addition to hockey and softball, were able to keep their heads above water.
Fundraising committee and volunteer were kept busy throughout the year.
The transition of rink operations to the Township of Whitewater’s responsibility last fall was handled efficiently by the two parties. The two groups work in hand in hand in building and structural problems, including an application for an Ontario Trillium Grant being submitted this August. If successful, the funds will be used for the replacement of the front entranceway and ramp into the Hall with a completion date by the summer of 2019.


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