Home Community WDRA hosts free indoor and skating programs for young people

WDRA hosts free indoor and skating programs for young people


BEACHBURG — Winter has arrived and while many youngsters enjoy playing hockey, there are others who enjoy playing other indoor sports, such as basketball, volleyball, dodgeball, or just being active so they remain healthy.
Neil Nicholson, working under the auspices of the Westmeath District Recreation Association, is hoping he has found the sports to keep those non-hockey players active.
“It’s an opportunity for kids to do three things,” he said. “They can keep active while creating a healthy and active lifestyle, learn new skills and get introduced to new sports, not just hockey.”
There is also a skating program with hockey skills for those in novice/atom and peewee/bantam, he added.
The indoor sports are in the gym at Beachburg Public School while the skating and hockey skills program are at Westmeath Arena, he said.
In Beachburg, the current game is basketball, which will run until March break, Mr. Nicholson said. Once the students return from a week off, they will decide what sport to get involved with, he said.
The skating programs are for those youth who want to learn, as well as adults and those who play hockey in atom, bantam, novice and peewee and want to strengthen their skills. For those who have never played hockey but want to try it out, Hugh Martin at Beacbhug Arena has the Kyla Kid’s Program, he said.
“The youth we teach (to skate) don’t want to do hockey,” Mr. Nicholson said. “They show up and don’t want to hold a hockey stick or chase a puck. They want to do fun stuff on the ice.
“Anybody interested in hockey at that level go to Kyla’s Kids,” he added.
The Beachburg program is each Tuesday from 4 to 6 p.m. for Grades 4 to 6 while Thursdays, from 4 to 6 p.m., is for those in Grades 7 and up, he said.
The township is providing the liability insurance; the school board is donating the gym for free and principal Jody Kitson-Roy is letting him use the school equipment for the indoor sports.
All of the events are free and the youngsters can come as often as they like, Mr. Nicholson said.
The program began Jan. 26 and 34 people signed up in the first three hours, he added. There are currently just over 40 students in the indoor program.
For the indoor program, indoor shoes are required, he said.
As for the skating, skates and a helmet are required, while for hockey, the gear is necessary. There are about 42 registered in the skating programs.
However, he added, there have been some children without the necessary equipment, and other families have stepped forward and provided the equipment, Mr. Nicholson said
This program has received great support from the school board, the township and the public, Mr. Nicholson said.

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