Home Council Whitewater council members appointed to committees

Whitewater council members appointed to committees


COBDEN — One councillor is opposed to the make-up of the various committees of Whitewater Region Township.
Mayor Hal Johnson’s list of appointments to committees and boards was presented at last night’s council meeting. Councillor Daryl McLaughlin voted against the appointments.
Coun. McLaughlin questioned if the appointment to the veterinarian board could be someone from the agricultural sector instead of a council member.
Deputy-Clerk Hope Dillabough advised it could be a member of the public.
Coun. McLaughlin said to Mayor Johnson, “You stated that we get more involvement from the public, and that’s one place they could have.”
Mayor Johnson agreed.
Chief executive officer Christine FitzSimons said that’s one of the few committess where the public could be asked to sit on for council. The Library Act says it must be a council member and when it’s revenue related it should be a council member.
Mayor Johnson noted the Ottawa River Power Corporation will allow council to appoint someone, not necessarily a council member, to sit on its board.
Coun. McLaughlin questioned why someone from the public could not be appointed to the Pembroke and Area Airport Commission, which he was appointed to.
“I’m not trying to get out of my duties, I’m quite willing to sit there, because I want to learn how to fly, that’s why I want to be on the airport commission, but I’ve never sat on that board, so it will be a challenge,” he said. “But is that another area where someone from the public could be appointed, does it have to be a member of council?”
Mayor Johnson said that would have to be checked out depending on the board’s constitution.
“I believe we could designate someone from the public if we wanted to,” he added.
Coun. McLaughiln recalled the all-candidates meeting and he said, “I listened. I not only spoke, but I listened to what other people had to say.”
He noted the committee members could be changed in a year’s time and Mayor Johnson agreed.
When Mayor Johnson asked for the vote in favour of the motion, Coun. McLaughlin advised he also needs to ask if anyone is opposed – and Coun. McLaughlin opposed the appointments. After the meeting, he said the public wants to be more involved and appointing them to various committees is a way that could have been accomplished. And that’s the only reason he opposed the appointments.
“It can be addressed next year,” he stated.
Committee Appointments
Councillor Charlene Jackson and Reeve Terry Millar will co-chair the corporate services committee which includes administrative and finance, executive and personnel, human resources and policy matters and strategic planning. All of council will sit on this committee.
Councillors Dave Mackay and Jackson will co-chair the public works, property and protection committee, which includes roads, vehicle management, water distribution, sewer collection, storm sewers and drainage. All of council will sit on this committee.
Environmental Services and municipal property will be co-chaired by Councillors Daryl McLaughlin and Chris Olmstead. This committee includes waste collection, waste sites, recycling, water treatment and waste water treatment plants. All of council will sit on this committee.
Couns. Regier and Olmstead will co-chair the protective committee, which includes policing, fire services, animal control and bylaw enforcement. All of council will sit on this committee.
Reeve Millar and Mayor Johnson will co-chair economic development committee, which includes growth, development and ad hoc committees as needed. All of council will sit on this committee.
Couns. McLaughlin and Olmstead will chair the recreation committee, which includes recreation, tourism, parks and culture. All of council will sit on this committee.
Couns. Olmstead and Regier will co-chair the planning committee, which includes official plan, zoning bylaw and committee of adjustment. All of council will sit on this committee as well.
Individual appointments: Renfrew County Veterinary: Councillor Dave Mackay; Ottawa River Energy Solutions: Mayor Johnson; Ottawa River Power Corporation: Bernie Tracy; Upper Ottawa Valley Medical Recruitment Committee: Coun. Regier; Upper Ottawa Community Policing Advisory Committee: Reeve Millar; Renfrew Policing Advisory Committee: Mayor Johnson; Pembroke and Area Airport Commission: Coun. McLaughlin; Whitewater Bromley Community Health Centre: Mayor Johonson; Whitewater Historical Society: Mayor Johnson and Coun. Mackay; Whitewater Public Library Board: Coun. Regier.

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