Home Columns Whitewater Gardeners: Earth Day

Whitewater Gardeners: Earth Day


Earth Day April 22, 2021

Earth Day is celebrated around the Earth. This year the theme is “Restore the Earth”.
Some things we can do include:

  1. Plant something like a tree, fruiting bushes or vegetables.
  2. Ride your bike or take a walk instead of using your car. Explore a local woods and
    discover some native woodland plants.
  3. Start a petition for something you would like to see changed. Go to change.org to get started.
  4. Tune in to Earth Day Live, especially on Wednesday which focuses on frontline communities.
  5. Buy reuseable bags. Many stores have stopped using plastic bags, so you can buy them from .25 to $1.00. Or make your own. You can always get a pattern online.
  6. Use refillable bottles for your water. Save them filling up landfills or getting into our lakes and oceans.
  7. Go to your local markets and garden Centres to limit your carbon footprint.
  8. Check out Value Village or the Sally Ann for clothing items, especially for working in the garden.
    Recycling is great.
  9. Unsubscribe to any catalogues you receive in hard copy. All of the product information is available on-line.
    Thanks to Anne Harbord District 2 Director for Ontario Horticulture Society.
    Submitted by Lawrie Barton, Whitewater Gardeners, President
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