Home Community 11 running for five councillor positions

11 running for five councillor positions


Nomination papers have been filed by these people to run in the municipal election for Whitewater Region Township council on Oct. 27, 2014
Those wanting to submit nomination papers to be a municipal candidate can do so at the township hall in Cobden when it is open Monday through Friday until Sept. 11. The final day to file nomination papers is Friday Sept. 12, between 9 a.m. and 2 p.m.
As of Wednesday, Sept. 3, the list of those who have filed nomination papers are:
Mayor: Jim Labow (incumbent), Joey Trimm, Hal Johnson
Reeve: Don Rathwell (incumbent)
Councillors (five to be elected): Howard Winters, Daryl McLaughlin (incumbent), Cathy Regier (incumbent), John Felix Cull, Doug Shields, Donna Burns, Allen Dick (incumbent), Donald E. Broome, Charlene Jackson, Chris Olmstead, Dave Mackay
Renfrew County District School Board Trustee: Dave Shields (incumbent)
Renfrew County Catholic District School Board Trustee: Anne Haley (Smith)

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