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Project Emily to be discussed by Whitewater Region council

Emily Ireland Trudeau, 7, died on August 29, 2014 after she fell under the wheels of a tractor her father was driving. She died because emergency responders could not locate the field she was in due to lack of 911 signage.

EOWC supports OFA at Queen’s Park joint event on economic development priorities

Working together for economic prosperity in the rural areas are, from left, Gerry Marshall (WOWC chair), Keith Currie (OFA president), Robin Jones (EOWC chair) and Rocco Rossi (OCC president and CEO). Photo submitted

Westmeath Community hall saves on electrical bills

Happy with the idea of saving money are, from left, Peter Ethier-WDRA Facility Manager, Brenda Grady-WDRA President and Terry Kenny-Rondeau Electric.

4H square dancers hold achievement night

A fun night for participants and those who came to cheer them on

Council joins Harry’s fight with Bell Canada

Harry Aswal, owner of Annies Gas Bar and Variety store in Foresters Falls, is hopeful Bell Canada will not remove this payphone.

Home and business suffer minor damage from fires

One person suffers smoke inhalation at Brewery fire

Saving the Whitewater Historical Society

Executive members required

Film screening and farmers answering your questions

Go to the source to get your agricultural questions answered

Fatbikes take over the trails during the Wendigo Ultra

Annual winter event in Whitewater Region