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Crowds come out for the annual Cull Family barn dance

DOUGLAS -- Another Cull Family Farm Barn Dance has come and gone. The 17th annual event was held Saturday evening and Mother Nature couldn’t have...

Plenty of accolades for staff, board members and volunteers with the LRHCS

WHITEWATER REGION (Westmeath) — During a guest speaker’s talk, with the exception of oohing and ahhhing, a needle could have been dropped…and it would...

A Connection to a Green School in Bali

WHITEWATER REGION (La Passe) -- Bali, an island province of Indonesia, is the home of a private ‘Green School’ which features an ecologically-sustainable design,...

Opportunity for grandparents to show off their grandbabies

PEMBROKE — The Rotary Club of Pembroke is pleased to announce it is sponsoring a “Grandbaby Calendar Contest. This is a fun occasion where Renfrew County...

Keeping boaters safe on Muskrat Lake

Renfrew OPP detachment officers Const. Jon Mahusky (left) and Const. Jeff Cassidy were busy Wednesday morning on Muskrat Lake. But, not busy ticketing boaters,...

Cobden District Public School Grade 8 graduation

Welcome friends, parents, teachers, support staff, administration, honoured guests, regular guests and of course class of 2018. Congratulations! We have now done that thing required...

Beachburg Public School Grade 8 graduation

An actress once said: There is a universal truth we all have to face, whether we want to or not, everything eventually ends. As...

Summer road reconstruction work on three residential streets in Cobden totals just over $1.5...

WHITEWATER REGION  — It’s going to be a dusty, dirty and noisy summer for those who reside on Truelove Street and certain areas of...

Our Reader’s Photos

John Meadows of Westmeath enjoys nature photography. Here are two of his submissions, an eagle flying and an eagle at her nest. Both were...

Tales and Times of Joan Finnigan – Stone Fence Theatre aims for the heart...

Stone Fence Theatre, the theatrical voice of the Ottawa Valley since 2003, is presenting a new musical in 2018 that is sure to warm...