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Deputy-clerk added to officiant’s list

WHITEWATER REGION — There are now five people in Whitewater Region who have the authority to marry people under the auspices of the township. During...
Whitewater Region - LOGO

Whitewater Region’s D and P committee recommends allowing pot stores to...

BY connie Tabbert Editor WHITEWATER REGION — If you apply for a licence to operate a store to sell cannabis (pot, marijuana) in Whitewater Region, let’s...

StreetStrut concert to remain in Cobden — afternoon children’s program to be relocated

by CONNIE TABBERT Editor WHITEWATER REGION — The third annual Whitewater StreetStrut is expected to happen again, but it will be tweaked. “We’ve hosted two events and...
Whitewater Region - LOGO

Whitewater Region Council Appointments

Whitewater Region Mayor Mike Moore appoints council members to various committees and boards. This year’s appointments are: Development and Planning Committee: Councillors Charlene Jackson and...