Deputy-clerk added to officiant’s list
WHITEWATER REGION — There are now five people in Whitewater Region who have the authority to marry people under the auspices of the township.
Whitewater Region’s D and P committee recommends allowing pot stores to...
BY connie Tabbert
WHITEWATER REGION — If you apply for a licence to operate a store to sell cannabis (pot, marijuana) in Whitewater Region, let’s...
StreetStrut concert to remain in Cobden — afternoon children’s program to be relocated
WHITEWATER REGION — The third annual Whitewater StreetStrut is expected to happen again, but it will be tweaked.
“We’ve hosted two events and...
Whitewater Region Council Appointments
Whitewater Region Mayor Mike Moore appoints council members to various committees and boards. This year’s appointments are:
Development and Planning Committee: Councillors Charlene Jackson and...