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Whitewater Region - LOGO

Public skating fees are cancelled…Hockeyville money is not spent

by CONNIE TABBERT Editor WHITEWATER REGION — It seems people are more interested in complaining instead of finding out the truth. During Whitewater Region’s council meeting last...
Whitewater Region - LOGO

Lord’s Prayer is out…unison prayer is back in for Whitewater Region

By CONNIE TABBERT Editor WHITEWATER REGION – Whitewater Region Councillor Daryl McLaughlin finally got something changed back to the old way. For four years, Coun. McLaughlin would...

$70,000 settlement for former Whitewater Region township employee

by CONNIE TABBERT Editor WHITEWATER REGION -- A former Township of Whitewater Region employee has received a $70,000 settlement following an eight-year battle. The settlement was agreed...