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Santa Claus Parade Cancellation: Cobden

For over 40 years Cobden has hosted a Santa Claus Paradeon the last Saturday of November. (November 28 th ) It was afamily tradition...

Caressant Care Connections: Cobden Vets Proud to Serve

Doris Reaney, SubmitterOriginally published in the Caressant Care Connections for November 2020, a newsletter for the Caressant Care Retirement HomeEdited to reflect formatting changes COBDEN...

Westmeath Cenotaph:Lest They Be Forgotten

WESTMEATH - Remembrance Day is that special day which honours the deceased soldiers of the World Wars, as well as a tribute to our...

Ontario’s Action Plan: Protect, Support Recover

Press ReleaseMPP John Yakabuskie’s Office PEMRBOKE — The Ontario government is providing $180.5 million to connect workers in the tourism and hospitality sector and others...

Fairfields Seniors Residence Evacuated

Press Release, Edited for New InformationCounty of Renfrew EGANVILLE - At approximately 10:30 a.m. on November 10th, all 37 residents along with staff of the...

Amanda Montgomery on Cobden and Water

Amanda Montgomery, Counsel for the Canadian Environmental Law AssociationReprinted from Blog with Permission Provided by DW Deer COBDEN - Every once in a while, the public...

Notice of Virtual Public Information Centre
