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Women’s Institute Meeting February

Elaine Hennessey, Contributor Greetings from the Women’s Institute for the District of North Renfrew. The following branch is reporting on their meeting for Feb. 2022. Greenwood:...

125th Anniversary of Forester’s Falls Women’s Institute

Marion Horner, Contributor FORESTER’S FALLS - On February 19, 2022 the six members of the Forester’s Falls Women’s Institute met at the home of Branch...

National Farmers Union Annual ConventionMarch 3

Press Releases NFU-Ontario Guelph, ON: The National Farmers Union-Ontario is hosting its annual convention and AGM virtually on Thursday, March 3 and Friday, March 4, 2022....

Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization Launches Member Appreciation Campaign

Press ReleaseOHTO Beachburg, ON (Feb. 7, 2022) – The Ontario’s Highlands Tourism Organization (OHTO) is celebrating its membership this February with a month-long Member Appreciation...

County of RenfrewMunicipal Class Environmental Assessment – Schedule B Broomes Creek Dam Review (County...

Evelyn VanStarkenburgAdministrative Assistant Development & Property/Public Works & Engineering A Municipal Class Environmental Assessment Schedule B was completed assessing various options to address the deteriorating conditions...

Cobden Fishing Derby

The Cobden Civitan Club held its annual Fishing Derby and 50/50 draw on Saturday, February 5th, an icefishing competition and fundraiser on the Muskrat...

Emily McKenzie Appointed to Library Board

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved the appointment of Emily McKenzie to the Whitewater Region Library Board. Clerk Carmen Miller said that...