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A Holiday Message from The Whitewater Historical Society

Janis Tomkinson, President of the Whitewater Historical Society As 2022 comes to a close, I find myself reflecting on myfirst year as President of the...

RVH Holiday Care Message 2022

Press ReleaseRenfrew Victoria Hospital As we head into the holiday season and New Year, RVH would like to share a few tips to help ensure...

Seniors Home Support and Active Living Pilot Changes

Press ReleaseTownship of Whitewater Region The Township of Whitewater Region informs residents and users of the changes to the Whitewater Seniors Home Support and Active...

Letter: Churches donate $781 to Cobden Food Bank

Cobden Food Bank from Grace United Church, Cobden and Zion United Church in Douglas had a “Kids Santa Shop” at Grace United church in...

Alex Has Another Opinion on Christmas 2022

Very little to say this year. I joined this paper with a pandemic in full rage, We’ve largely returned to normal, despite COVID-19 being still...

Gord And Jan Reeves’ 60 Wedding Anniversary Open House

An “Open House” Invitation to CelebrateGord and Jan Reeves’ 60th Wedding AnniversaryOn Sunday, December 18th, from 2.00 to 4:00 p.m.at the Westmeath Recreation Centre Please...

Caressant Care Celebrates Birthdays

Photo Taken by Doris Reaney. Sitting on the left is (Jessie Stubinsky 100), standing behind her is (Eleanor Howard 100), sitting on the right...

Tree Lighting in Westmeath December 11

Westmeath’s Tree Lighting Ceremony on December 11th, at 7:30 outside the Westmeath Arena, where residents sung carols around the tree, then retired inside for...

Putting local foods on the menu for holiday celebrations in the Ottawa Valley

By Lynn Jones, The Ottawa River Institute December is not normally a time when one thinks about celebrating Earth’s bounty with a feast of local...

Women’s Institute Meeting

Submitted by Elaine Hennessey The District Directors for the North Renfrew District met recently for their meeting. Ruth Douma acted as President/Secretary. Minutes from the...