Home Columns A Heck of a Week

A Heck of a Week


It’s been a rough week due to unforeseen happenings but on a positive note I didn’t get a severe penalty for screwing up at home or a ticket for not wearing a seatbelt. There were other glitches too.

I heard about the bad luck of three from one family running into a deer on the roads – this year alone. It prompted me to brag to someone that I never had an issue with a deer under those circumstances in my entire life. I nearly collided with a huge bear on Highway 17 once who running across the highway – but never a deer – until Monday. It was while heading for town: a long-legged fawn ran in front of my car probably thinking the grass was greener on the other side. My brakes worked, otherwise preventing a collision that would have been both sad and sickening!

Another glitch occurred Tuesday. I was waiting for Sheila to return with the car. She did and I took over the wheel with the engine still running and drove to the Community Centre for a meeting. Afterwards the car wouldn’t start. She had exited the car with the remote starter (Fob) and I didn’t have mine with me. I had to walk home to get it and even had to walk back over to retrieve the car. What a waste of my treasured time.

On Wednesday more problems. It started with the pot luck supper for the Riverview Social Club. Sheila was not well and begged off but still made a dish in a crop-pot. I took it over but forgot the glass lid for the pot when I left. That started her. But there was more. Later that night, 12:30 a.m. to be precise when we were asleep. There was a hasty knocking at the door. So tired, I coerced Sheila to check it out. It was a neighbour who had stepped outside, had smelled fuel and saw headlights. My car was quieter than I figured. I hadn’t shut off the engine at 7:30 p.m. after coming back from the supper.

Now there were now two things to chew about next day. I decided to pick up the key at Kenny’s Store for the Hall and at least look for the missing lid for at least a little salvation. As I coasted to a stop in front of the store an OPP officer was leaving it at the same time. I wasn’t wearing my seat belt – as I’ve been known to forget to buckle up at times. I thought I had the biscuit and froze as a deer in headlights. He looked me in the eye then at the missing seatbelt but walked past my car to his cruiser. I just couldn’t wrap my head around my good fortune. Once in the store for the key (an invaluable service provided by Kenny’s Store), one of the clerks said, “you were lucky, that same cop nailed someone just outside the door last week.” I did retrieve the lid for the crock pot back for her – safely.

Before heading to Ottawa the next morning, I went to start the car but without a Fob. This time the security alarm went off. Finally it dawned on me that I needed it. Racing to the house I reached for it where it was usually kept but naturally it wasn’t. I panicked finally found it and silenced the alarm. We headed for the big city. Halfway there I realized I had left my wallet at home which had my driver’s license in it of course. But I was on a roll with the cops and rightfully didn’t worry about it. Poor Sheila got stuck with the expenses however. She merely said, “Again.”

Saturday made it almost a full week. (Surely Sunday would be a day of rest!) I had to interview someone in Lapasse. I headed to my car afterwards, when suddenly a curtain of darkness enveloped the sky and a heavy downpour of rain soaked me to the bone before I could climb into it. Yes, the windows were open as well!

I have heard that he safest road to hell is the gradual one – a gentle slope, soft stepping along the way, no sudden turns and with no set milestones. Due to mysterious circumstances, my road to hell was concentrated into one week.

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