Biel to Geneva, Switzerland


    Today the Posse Team were warned to stay out of the mountains due to snow and wet conditions so no Alps today. I would rather be safe than sorry so I was relieved with the decision. Before we headed off we had to manoeuvre the bikes in the garage as we were parked in like sardines – and all without starting them up until we were lined up to go. It didn’t take too long surprisingly enough as everyone helped push and pull bikes around.

    Our ride along the water was beautiful even starting out in a bit of a drizzle. The grapes growing on the side of the road are really beautiful to see all in rows! The Europeans don’t use stop signs at intersections very often instead they have round-abouts – lots of them. Makes for smooth riding and very little stopping.

    We arrived at our hotel around 1:00 which gave some time to relax and do some laundry in my room. I have clothes hanging drying all over – lol. It was a lot cheaper doing that than paying a fortune for the laundry service at the hotel.

    Tonight we had a garden party put on by a HOG Chapter from France. The party was right at the lake in a park under a tent. The weather was perfect and everyone enjoyed the BBQ and free drinks! We were taken there by bus or taxi and came back all on the bus. The bus ride back to the hotel was hilarious as we sang all the way back. Upon arriving at the hotel some of us stayed at the bar until closing! What fun I am having with all these great people I have met. Lots of laughs!

    Tomorrow if the weather is nice I will join the chapter ride and head into the Alps!

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    Next articleGeneva, Switzerland and the Alps