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Cindy Bennett Two years have passed this Earth of ours Like it was on hold for an invasion we could not see A virus called Covid invaded...

Cobden Caressant Care Receives New Long-Term Care beds

Press ReleaseMPP John Yakabuskie’s Office Cobden— The Ontario government is adding 8 new and 46 upgraded beds at theCaressant Care in Cobden. This is part...

Delmer Bennett Memorial Award 2022

The Bennett Family is looking for applications for the Delmer Bennett Memorial Award.   To qualify to apply,youth must be graduating from a High School in Renfrew County and continuing...

Westmeath and District Recreation Association: Father’s Day Weekend Golf Tournament

The WDRA is looking for sponsors for the Father’s Day Weekend Golf Tournament June 18th, 2022At the Cobden Oaks Looking for: Sponsors, prizes, donations [email protected]

Women’s Institute March Meeting 2022

Elaine Hennessey, Contributor Greetings from the Women’s Institute for the District of North Renfrew. The following branch is reporting on their meeting for March 2022. Greenwood:...

Muskrat Watershed Council Projects Funded by GLLAF

Article submitted by the Muskrat Watershed Council Despite the pandemic, the Muskrat Watershed Council (MWC) has continued working hard to improve water quality in Muskrat...

WDRA Holds Darts Night Fridays, Plans Fathers’ Day Golf

Alexander Leach, Editor WESTMEATH - The WDRA throws a few darts every Friday, despite of a pandemic keeping them from organizing a dedicated league. Locals who...

Whitewater Historical Society 2022 Annual Metting March 24th

The Whitewater Historical Society is holding the 2022 Annual General Meeting on Thursday March 24th at 1:00 p.m.  at the Community Meeting Room (basement) of...

LED Street Light Conversion Tender Awarded to Rondeau Electric

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved the award of Tender 2022-03 LED streetlight conversion to Rondeau Electric 1997 Ltd. at a...