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Zoning By-law Amendments – 1223 Government Road & 214 Synton Street

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region heard a public meeting “That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region: Approve an amendment to the...

Cobden Area Agricultural Stormwater Assessment – Jp2G Consultants Inc.

The Council heard a public meeting “That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region: Receive the Cobden Area Agricultural Stormwater Assessment Draft Final Report, prepared...

Council Announcements for March 3 2022 Meeting

“We had an election at the Beachburg Fair, and the exceptional president is re-elected, Dave Mackay.” Councillor Dave Mackay said. “Derek Robinson was elected...

Liquor Endorsement 214 Synton Street

The Council heard a motion “That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region support the Winery Retail Store Endorsement and By-the-Glass Endorsement for Whitewater...

Proposed Council Remuneration – Effective 2022-2026

The Council heard a proposal “That Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approve, for the purposes of a public meeting, minor changes to...

Council Pledges Support to Festival Hall

The Council of the Township of Whitewater motioned to pledge a one time payment of $2500 to the Festival Hall in Pembroke. “We don’t contribute...

Vaccine Passport Mandate Repealed In Whitewater March 1st

The council motioned to repeal the protections put down for vaccine requirements due to the Province’s plans in March 1 to lift vaccine requirements. “Jordan...

Zoning By Law Amendment: 224 Sturgeon Road

Planner Ivan Burton presented a zoning by-law amendment, for 224 Sturgeon Mountain Road, which was submitted by Melvin and Lynne Langton. He said the property...

Zoning By Law Amendment: Part Lot Westmeath Concession Pleasant Valley Road

Planner Ivan Burton presented a zoning by-law amendment for Lot 19 Westmeath Concession 9 EML Pleasant Valley Road, and to “Authorize the execution of...