-13.2 C

Development Charge Controversy

A paper document titled “Whitewater’s New Development Charge By-law will Cost YOU!” was taped to doors around Cobden and other parts of the Whitewater...

Development Charges FAQ

The Township of Whitewater Region put out a series of frequently asked questions regarding Development charges in response to the ‘misinformation’ circulating, according to...

Hawkers and Peddlers Licensing Fee

The Council of the Township of Whitewater Region approved the proposal of a Hawkers and Peddlers By-law and an $80 licensing fee for peddlers...

Cobden Wastewater Roof

The Township of Whitewater Region Council heard a motion to approve the award of Tender 2021-19 to JC Fitzgerald & Sons Ltd at a...

Noise Regulation By-law Proposed

The Township of Whitewater Region received a drafted bylaw to control noise in the Whitewater Region. “In the past, we’ve received complaints regarding noise, so...

Westmeath Cenotaph Relocation

WESTMEATH - Planner Jordan Durocher said that a plan to move the Westmeath Cenotaph to a new park location was ready to begin. The new...

Grace Street Repairs

WESTMEATH - A report advised the Council of the Township of Whitewater Region to award tender to companies to repair sections of Westmeath’s Grace...

Notices of Motion May 5

Councillor McLaughlin set forth a notice of motion that a discussion occur and a report occur for the Road department on Gypsy Lane. “I've gotten...

Public Access to Defibrillators To Expand In Whitewater

The Township of Whitewater Region heard a presentation from Robert Blackwell on the status of a plan to make defibrillators available publicly in the...

Q1 Financial Report

CAO Robert Trembley began the Quarterly Report for Q1 for the Council of Whitewater Region to overview the Township’s finances in the first quarter...