Regular Council Meeting February 17
Alexander Leach, Editor
WHITEWATER – The Township of Whitewater Region met at 4:45 pm on February 17, in the council chambers, broadcast via Youtube.
There were...
Committee of Adjustment February 9 Pembroke Street
The Whitewater Region Committee of Adjustment met via Zoom call on February 9, 10:06 pm, streamed via Youtube.
Councillor Chris Olmstead asked for disclosure of...
Committee of Adjustment Feb 9 Magnesium Road
The final item on the agenda was a consent application from Philip and Kim Leslie, to create a surplus dwelling lot, requiring a submission...
Committee of Adjustment Feb 9 Hendry Lane
Olmstead presented another minor variance for 84 Hendry Lane, granting relief to extend the reconstruction period for a non-conforming building from 12 to 24...
Regular Council Meeting February 3
Alexander Leach, Editor
WHITEWATER REGION - The Township of Whitewater Region held its regular council meeting at 4:45pm on February 3rd, to receive proposed appointments...
Library and Seniors Task Force Appointments
Clerk Carmen Miller reported that the Library and the Seniors Task Force had new members to be approved by Council.
“Monica La Grotta is an...
Flood Preparedness
The Council received Dr. Jennifery Spinney, and Dr. Doberstein receive the study “How Disaster Feels”, on the subject of flooding.
CAO Ryan Trembley reported that...
Meeting End: Minutes and By-laws
Adoption of minutes
The council approved the previous meeting minutes.
He briefly addressed the correspondence and asked if there were any questions on them.
Councillor Jackson asked...
Waste Recovery Centre
The Council heard a proposal to inform the Ottawa Valley Waste Management Board that it is not proceeding with buy-in at this time, in...
Notices of Motion
Mayor Moore requested any notice of motion.
Councillor Mackay said he had received a lot of complaints regarding the landfill fees, particularly from farmers.
“We’ve jacked...