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Letters: Does the Mayor Want Economic Growth?

In last week’s edition of the Whitewater News Mayor Moore was quoted as saying:” It’s going to tear hell on our roads.” That’s in...

Letter to the Editor: Retraction

In regards to the grievous errors presented on Thursday September 10th2020 article by Bobby Grills entitled “Pow Wow Farewell”, I wouldlike to clarify the...

Letter to the Editor: Alex Got Lost

Further comment on former Dougherty house: My husband Basil Wright and his father J.C. Wright (both deceased)owned this property for several years in the late...

Alex Got Lost: Last Week’s Answer

To me, that looks like the house on what Harry McBride used to call the Dougherty farm on the Gore Line between Westmeath and...

Letter to the Editor: A Farewell

Beginning September 2018, I was invited by Whitewater Township to be a casual crossing guard at Cobden Public School. What a gift it was each morning...

Letter to the Editor

Dear Mr Leach; My thanks for taking on this responsibility and I wish you all the best going forward. Having this weekly ‘rag’ is a...

Mainstream media doesn’t give us the full perspective

Dear Editor, I don’t understand why the media coverage of COVID-19 hasn’t included any mention of the H1N1 virus. It was compared to SARS, but...

Bigger is not always better

Dear Editor, The recent closures of meat packing plants in Alberta, Quebec and several American states due to the COVID-19 pandemic are shedding light on...

I served at the battle of Corona

Dear Editor, Just as we old boomers were about to ride off into our dusty sunsets without ever being called to serve our country, young...

Farmers Markets are an Essential Service, says NFU

Dear Editor, The COVID-19 global pandemic highlights the vulnerabilities in our society. Our healthcare system, our globalized economy, and our food system are all being...