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Mayor Johnson should treat people with respect— or maybe it’s time for change

Dear Editor: An open letter to Whitewater Region Mayor Hal Johnson: The anger that you displayed the evening of Wednesday, October 10,  at the Westmeath Community...

Letter: Issues With the Region

I write in response to a number of ongoing issues within Whitewater township, and I have been stirred wintin to offer the following . As...

Whitewater River Access: One Resident’s Opinion

There’s a-whole lotta movin’ and a-shakin’ down here on Whitewater’s Grant Settlement Road (GSR) these days. Three plus newspaper pages dedicated to a council...

Let’s end this dog tag saga — answers for Donald Deer

Dear Editor: If Donald Deer wants answers I have them: A previous council did bring the dog-tag matter to court and they were right to...

Letter to the Editor: Retraction

In regards to the grievous errors presented on Thursday September 10th2020 article by Bobby Grills entitled “Pow Wow Farewell”, I wouldlike to clarify the...

Letter to the Editor

Dear Editor, The announced closing of the Beachburg Scotiabank branch exposes the phoniness of corporate advertising done by the major banks. You know, the ones...

Letters: Does the Mayor Want Economic Growth?

In last week’s edition of the Whitewater News Mayor Moore was quoted as saying:” It’s going to tear hell on our roads.” That’s in...

Wild Parsnip a Threat to Whitewater Region

I am writing about the proliferation of the noxious weed Wild Parsnip in Whitewater Region. This invasive species has taken over many of the...

Alex Has Opinions: Water Costly in Cobden?

I’ve been hearing several complaints about the rising cost of water in Cobden, and how its effecting the retirement community. At least some people...

Letter to the Editor

Dear Megan, Today turned out to be an exceptionally warm day. A great day for the road grader of The Township of Whitewater Region to...