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So many questions, but no answers forthcoming

Dear Editor: Well, finally we know, but we don't yet know, what we really should know. At last week's all candidates meeting in Beachburg, the question was asked...

MP Gallant brings derision to our area with her claims

Dear Editor, MP Cheryl Gallant recently made national news again.

Letter to the Editor: AirBnBs

Whitewater Township held a recent open house on a “Comprehensive zoning bylaw update”. This is an attempt to standardize all bylaws across the Township. The...

County now reacts to official plan — why not when researched information was provided

Dear Editor: In 2016 and again in 2018, I stood before Renfrew County Council, along with many other people, putting forth our objection to the...

Climate rally tomorrow in Pembroke

Dear Editor, The marathon “COP 25” global climate action conference ended without any international agreement. It makes more sense to call this conference “COP-Out 25.”...

I served at the battle of Corona

Dear Editor, Just as we old boomers were about to ride off into our dusty sunsets without ever being called to serve our country, young...

Members of Muskrat Lake Association meet with representatives

Dear Editor, On Thursday, November 14, four members of the Muskrat Lake Association (MLA) met with five representatives from the Ministry of Environment, Conservation and...

Two wrongs do not make a right

Dear Editor: This letter is in response to Jean Robinson’s letter, A mean municipal election in Whitewater Region published in the Oct. 25 edition of...

Bring respect back to our riding

Dear Editor, I want to express my deep concern for democracy in the riding of Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke. The facts of the matter are laid out in a...

Railway spike damages ATV tire beyond repair on Algonquin Trail

Dear Editor, This is what you have to look forward to if you take your All-Terrain Vehicle (ATV) on the railway line from Pembroke to...