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Letter: Issues With the Region

I write in response to a number of ongoing issues within Whitewater township, and I have been stirred wintin to offer the following . As...

To Whitewater Gardeners

The days are getting warmer and we’re still inside and staying safe at home. If you have some plants resting in the basement or...

Letter: Pandemic Questions with No Answers

Are you fed up with this pandemic? Are you fed up with having to wear a mask when you go out into a store?...

Ross Museum Accepting New Items

Although the museum has been closed due to COVID this summer we are happy to accept items of a heritage nature from donors. Please...

Letters: Does the Mayor Want Economic Growth?

In last week’s edition of the Whitewater News Mayor Moore was quoted as saying:” It’s going to tear hell on our roads.” That’s in...

Letter: Horticultural Society Thanks Beachburg

THANK YOU to the Community Recreation Committee of Whitewater Region for the grant for Beautification in Beachburg. Your generosity greatly assisted in the purchase of...

Letter to the Editor: My Compliments

The letter is meant to commend and inform. I called my Doctor on September 11, 2020 to discuss a respiratory issue that has been bothering...

Letter to the Editor: Retraction

In regards to the grievous errors presented on Thursday September 10th2020 article by Bobby Grills entitled “Pow Wow Farewell”, I wouldlike to clarify the...

Letter to the Editor: Alex Got Lost

Further comment on former Dougherty house: My husband Basil Wright and his father J.C. Wright (both deceased)owned this property for several years in the late...

Letter to the Editor: A Farewell

Beginning September 2018, I was invited by Whitewater Township to be a casual crossing guard at Cobden Public School. What a gift it was each morning...