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Ron is running for council because Whitewater Region runs through his soul

By RON LARONDE Whitewater Region Councillor Candidate   WHITEWATER REGION -- My purpose in running for council is to represent the Whitewater Region electorate, not the unelected...
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Election Recount Results 2022

Whitewater Region, Ontario – November 1, 2022The Township, led by the Clerk/Returning Officer Carmen Miller, held theautomatic recount for the office of councillor on...

Jim Butterworth wants to help Whitewater remain an incredible place to live

WHITEWATER REGION (Beachburg) — Passionate about people and the outdoors, married into a multi-generational family farm, and a father of three, a Beachburg man...

Former deputy-fire chief’s 30-plus years of community service shows his dedication to the residents...

by MICHAEL MOORE Candidate for Mayor Township of  Whitewater Region To My Fellow Residents of Whitewater Region: As you may have heard, I will be running for the...

So many areas of concern, Neil Nicholson is hopeful of helping with some of...

WHITEWATER REGION (Westmeath) -- A husband, father-of-four, hobby farmer, volunteer and retired military man, Neil Nicholson is hoping to add another hat to his...

Connie Tabbert and the 2022 Election

Connie Tabbert wrote her own bio, and sent it to me. I add it here with minimal edits, and include some of my own...

Joe Kowalski is familiar with the battles a reeve would fight

WHITEWATER REGION (Foresters Falls) — A well-known and successful businessman wants to be the next reeve for the Township of Whitewater Region. “I’m running for...

Forester’s Falls Resident Organizes Petition to Council over Road Upgrades

Forester’s Falls resident Harry Aswal organized a petition in order to bring issues regarding the state of roads and construction in Forester’s falls to...

Publisher’s Corner: Joe Kowalski Running for Councillor 2022

Editor’s Note: Joe Kowalski pays me and produces this paper. As such, he asked me to write something on his policy, so I felt...

Just over 1,226 votes have been cast out of a possible 6,294 in Whitewater

WHITEWATER REGION — There are 6,294 eligible municipal voters in Whitewater Region. There are 17 candidates vying for 7 positions on council: a mayor, a...