4.5 C

Laughter filled the ag hall

The annual Cobden Community Players comedic performance was another smash hit with the audiences this past weekend. Scott Bell made his theatrical debut while...

A fun prelude to Easter weekend

The Foresters Falls Athletic Association hosted a fun few hours at the outdoor rink last Saturday. Children had an opportunity to decorate cookies and...

Local 4H Rabbit Racers to give demonstration at Ag Museum in Ottawa

If you are in Ottawa this Easter Saturday, check out the Renfrew County 4-H Rabbit Racers performing at Canada's Agriculture Museum. The rabbit teams...

$75,000 towards $500,000 commitment

At the Pembroke Regional Hospital Auxiliary’s annual “Hop Into Spring” fashion show and luncheon held Friday, April 12 at Our Lady of Lourdes Church...

Scott Hamilton presented with award

Scott Hamilton of Douglas is the Algonquin College Hospitality and Tourism Program recipient of the Henk Hymans Award. “I feel humbled and honoured,” Mr....

A tasty fundraiser

The volunteers at the Rose Whipp and Family Spaghetti Supper Fundraiser were kept busy during the four-hour event last Friday evening at the Foresters...

The perfect cribbage hand

Elwood Scobie has played cribbage most of his life. The Foresters Falls resident was playing the card game at the Cobden Legion last Thursday...