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General Budget 2023

Treasurer Sean Crozier said that the 5% increase based on the actual budget. Councillor Mark Bell asked: “Is there any shopping around that can be...
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Recount of Votes on October 28th

As a result of the number of votes between two (2) candidates for the office of councillor being less than ten (10) votes, the...
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Neil Nicholson Elected Mayor of Whitewater Region

Neil Nicholson was elected Mayor of Whitewater Region with 2156 votes. Donna Burns, the other candidate, received 548. In the Councillors race, Mark Bell received 1663...

Auction Sale: Bromley [Paid Ad]

Auction Sale Sunday July 24 at 11:00 am for Keith & Carole Bromley 1378 Rapid Road, Westmeath, Ont French Provincial chesterfield; French Provincial arm chair; misc household furniture;...

Whitewater Gardeners Tour July 9th

Whitewater Gardeners Garden tour Saturday July 9th Meet at Cobden Market at 9:30 AM to car pool First two gardens will be at 143 A Larry’s Lane Second...

Right To Disconnect Policy

CAO Rob Tremblay reported on the mandate, which stipulated that employees have a right to disconnect from work contacts during vacation or leave and...

Pinewood Road Zoning By-law Amendment Faces Opposition

The Council had a public meeting regarding a plan to implement a zoning by-law amendment to permit four new camp-sites at 165A Pinemount Rd,...

Announcements May 5 2022

Councillor McLaughlin said the library board were having a mother's day draw, and encouraged others to buy tickets. Councillor Mackay said that the Spring Chicken...

Notices of Motion May 4 2022

Councillor McLaughlin presented a notion of motion that the Council “waive the rule of process with two thirds of support to consider a motion...

PRH Recognized for Organ and Tissue Donation

Press ReleasePembroke Regional Hospital PEMBROKE – In Ontario, more than 1,500 people are currently waiting for a life-saving organ transplant. This past year alone, as part...