Home Community Community information digital sign now completed and fully operational

Community information digital sign now completed and fully operational


COBDEN — The community events digital sign at Cobden Park is now completed. For a few months now, the sign has been operational, advising people when certain events are being held in the community.
Currently, it is announcing the Renfrew County Plowing Match, which is Saturday, Sept. 13 and the Civinette Bingo, which is each Monday night in the basement of the town hall in Cobden.
The sign is situated along Hwy. 17 in an area that is easily accessible if anyone wants to stop and read it, noted John Felix Cull, president of the Cobden and District Civitan Club, who came up with the idea for this digital sign.
The sign was the idea of the members of the Cobden and District Civitan Club. Ted Barron recalled that in May 2013, the club decided a digital sign would be an asset to the township. In co-operation with the township, it applied to the Renfrew County Community Futures Program through the Eastern Ontario Development Program (EODP) for funding.
It was agreed, if the EODP provided 75 per cent of the funding, the Civitan club would pay the other 25 per cent, which means the taxpayers in the township would not be responsible for any of the costs, except the electricity to run the sign, Mr. Barron explained.
The EODP approved funding, which was for 75 per cent of $17,200, which was the cost of the digital sign as well as the new sign for the Civitan club. The club was also responsible for the fixed costs, such as steel posts, wiring, etc. This was an extra $2,500 outlay from the club.
Member volunteers did the work and when it was completd, the final cost was around $20,000, he said.
Jessie Jellen of Cobden donated the computer to run the system and John’s Repair Service donated the concrete base.
The digital sign information will be done by club members John Felix Cull, who is the current club president, and Gary Younghusband. If you have a community event you would like displayed on the sign, email or call Mr. Cull, [email protected], 613-646-7879 or Mr. Younghusband, [email protected], 613-646-7545.
It’s best if information for the sign is provided two to three weeks in advance, Mr. Barron said. It’s estimated there will be about six events at a time rotating on the sign, each no more than four lines, three would be preferable.
It’s expected that as the event draws nearer, it will run more frequently on the digital sign, Mr. Barron noted.
“This is another tool for the community to be kept informed of what’s happening,” he said.
Ideally, the information would be what the event is and a phone number to contact, Mr. Cull said. It’s easy to see the number and dial it, he added.
Mr. Cull noted with free wi-fi at the park where the sign is located, people will also stop and use that, see the sign, and possibly return for a community event.
The club has also agreed, since it’s a beautiful park, to plant a tree in memory of former member George Hooper. Mr. Cull noted he was on board at the start of the project, but passed away.

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