Home Letters Conservative Nomination Race

Conservative Nomination Race


Dear Editor

Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke deserves a credible federal representative who is respected by the Conservative caucus, and who can bring more jobs and positive recognition to our riding. Mr. Mike Coates who has been involved with the federal Conservatives since the nineteen eighties, most recently as the debate prep team leader for former Prime Minister Stephen Harper, would appear to be just that individual. He clearly has the enthusiasm and vision that this riding so desperately needs.

I would think that after nearly 18 years our local MP would welcome the opportunity to defend her position, to highlight the progress she has made in the riding, and to propose how she intends to improve the quality of life in Renfrew-Nipissing-Pembroke . I am sure constituents would appreciate a fair and open debate to discuss riding issues and allow local Conservative party members the opportunity to compare the competency of the two individuals.

Unfortunately the local riding association, which is supposedly an impartial body, does not seem to support the opportunity for an individual to effectively challenge the incumbent. This is evidenced by the very limited time lines they have applied to the nomination process and sale of memberships prior to a nomination meeting.

Let us hope that anyone who favours a fair and open nomination process and who wants our riding to have a fresh credible voice in parliament takes the time to purchase a membership in the Conservative party by February 1st so they can have their voice heard on nomination day.


Dr. Susan Taylor
Pembroke, Ont.

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