Home Council Council disappointed with response to questionnaire

Council disappointed with response to questionnaire


One-hundred-and-sixty-seven people responded to the Whitewater Region Township’s Roads and Municipal Services questionnaire.
The report was reviewed at the recent public works committee meeting.
Councillor Cathy Regier was disappointed with the response.
“Was the questionnaire sent to all houses,” she questioned. “One-hundred-and-sixty-seven is not a great response.”
Deputy-Clerk Erica Rice said the questionnaire was sent in all the tax bills and residents were able to respond to it online as well.
Chief administrative officer Christine FitzSimons said while it wasn’t a great response, questionnaires of this nature are usually filled out only by those who have a complaint.
Councillor Allen Dick said it would appear gravel roads are not wanted in the township. As for purchasing a bush hog for the excavator, he gave public works manager Bill Misener a nod of approval.
“It was needed and the results show that,” Coun. Dick said.
Michael Fadock of Jp2g Consultants, who prepared the questionnaire and then put together the results, sent a memo to council with a summary of the results.
“Overall, the responses indicate that ratepayers are generally satisfied with municipal roads, their condition, speed of repair, effectiveness of repairs, and the value provided by the road system,” he wrote.
Ratepayers are also satisfied with the water and sewer systems, except for the cost, he noted. The ratepayers also noted they want the water and waste water treatment plants to exceed regulatory requirements.
Ratepayers “are neutral” on how council prioritizes spending but are split on borrowing to finance capital projects, he noted.
“Roads are considered to be safe, well marked, with good travel times, free from congestion, and cleared of snow quickly,” Mr. Fadock wrote. “No consensus was reached if the condition of roads was better or worse than 10 years ago, with ratepayers indicating that they generally want more paved roads (upgrading) and fewer gravel roads.”
Those who responded also had opportunity to write comments. Some of them were: pave roads with asphalt, not chip and dip (1); grade gravel roads more often and grade the shoulders of paved roads. Grade gravel roads in entirety (5); gravel roads should be paved if possible (2); roads in LaPasse this winter were a mess and dangerous (1); upset that side streets in Cobden get snow removal first (1); development needs to be curtailed to reduce maintenance costs on roads (1); clean up dead animals and garbage along roads more often (2); more brushing and weed control in ditches. Sight line obscured at some intersections due to brush and snow. Proper cleaning and maintenance of ditches and culvert/catch basins. (4); frosted glass in town office should be removed, waste of money (3); township must make Muskrat Lake a priority and take a leadership role. Work with other groups to clean it up, and consider impact of sewer systems on Muskrat Lake (3).

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