1. All my life, I have been a visionary (or as some say, cursed with an overactive imagination). That vision started my university’s Outdoor club which is still going strong to Wilderness Tours, our jet boating companies in Montreal and Niagara Falls, our partnership with Algonquin College, Whitewater Village, Horse Country, the Barn at Bus Eater, now home to Whitewater Brewery and most recently, Whitewaternews.ca.
For many years now I have watched the slide of our once prosperous province. This has had a disastrous effect on rural municipalities making me believe there is a war between urban Ontario and rural Ontario. As someone who starts new businesses, I am continually frustrated with nonsensical regulation which may make perfect sense in Toronto but none in Beachburg.
I have a vision for Whitewater Region where our children can stay here, find employment and raise their families without having to move away. Our municipality is blessed with farming, industry, tourism and 400,000 feet of shoreline. We are the rough-cut jewel in the Ottawa Valley crown but we won’t achieve our potential without a strong, aggressively pro-growth local government who will fight for our region. If elected, I intend to do just that!
2. My role as Councillor is to establish a plan for growth and prosperity in our municipality and work towards achieving it.
3. The best thing I can do for our community is to create jobs and opportunity for local residents. That is what I have been doing for almost 40 years. I served two terms on the former Ross Township Council and most recently revived the former “Cobden Sun” under the new name Whitewater News along with Connie Tabbert.
4. My forte is entrepreneurship, setting goals and achieving them. A municipality should be run like a business treating the ratepayers like customers with respect and being responsive to their needs.
5. For any government, the top priority should be growth, development and prosperity. A prosperous municipality then has the resources to deal with other municipal issues.
6.If elected, I intend to be aggressive for growth and development so we can reach our true potential.
7. Everything hinges on economic development. We need new businesses, we need existing businesses to grow and we need more people moving to the Region. We have all the right ingredients but need strong local leadership to make it happen.
8. Obviously.
9. Yes.
10. As the owner of almost 500 acres of good farmland, I am keenly aware of the importance of agriculture in Whitewater Region. Our Region is blessed with industry, tourism, agriculture and a high quality of life. The Barn at Bus Eater, home to Whitewater Brewery is designed to house a farmers market and develop the potential of not only agriculture but agri-tourism.
11. We need to come together which is why I started Whitewaternews.ca. It will come.
12. This seems like a step backwards and makes no sense.
13. The question is do we provide the level of fire protection our ratepayers need (and will pay for).
14. Of course.
15. I am not sure yet.
16. Recreation brings tourism and adds to the quality of life which in turn attracts new residents. It’s an upward spiral.
17. I believe in a prosperous municipality living within its means and fiscally responsible.
18. Again, the best way to deal with all issues is to first have a prosperous municipality.
19. I have a vision for Whitewater Region and I am committed to achieving it.