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Happy Birthday, Mr. President


Happy Birthday President Donald Trump. He was born June 14, 1946. I really wonder what makes that guy tick. He is somewhat ambivalent lately so I decided to consult the “Big Book” for clues. This book called ‘The Secret Language of Relationships’, threads like an encyclopedia of astrology revealing much more details about a person’s personality and traits. Over time it has become invaluable to me for everything from romantic situations to participation in meetings and everything in between permitting me to make brainy decisions. Concerning my partner Sheila, the Big Book reveals the ideal circumstances to approach her and other times when to get lost.
Donald Trump was born a Gemini III and that very day June 14th shows traits of being successful, ambitious, overstressed, impatient and domineering. It also pointed out determination, intensity and strong opinions. Analyzing him so far, he fits this category to a tee. His loyalty is to family first and secondly to friends. That’s Trump! He’s got his daughter and son-in-law established in his inner-circle, his buddies are his key advisors — all millionaires like himself and most people think he doesn’t give a rat’s-ass for the country. They may be right about that one! Problems abound for June 14th people but they display remarkable expertise in managing them — like tweeting and lying so frequently that CNN debating the President’s remarks for days, still cannot clarify what is the ‘truth’. For him to be pinned down by congress or his administrators is intolerable. Curiously, those born on the 14th day of the month are ruled by the number 5. He’s 4 months in office since inauguration. Will he last through the 5th?
I have to admit; I not only predicted he would win the Republican Primary by blowing away the other contenders as if they were candles in the wind and then outmanoeuvre Secretary Clinton in the general election. I blinked when the sex tape crisis came up but stayed with him. Washington needed a shakeup and he has a career of shaking things up bigtime. The way he has ruled since, I now keep my thoughts private.
I turned to the Big Book again for June 14th birthdays for additional signs under his category “The Week of the Seeker”. These traits are risk-taking, impatience and emotionally volatile. That is so scary! Rejection can be traumatic as he is extremely optimistic at the outset of an endeavor often setting himself for a fall from grace. The primary drive of those born during this week is to go beyond limitations imposed by society and nature. For them all of life is an adventure. Thus, they keep others guessing as to their next move. Love and affection are important to them but are not usually given top priority. Because of their intense need for change in relationships, these people may spend a period of their life moving from one partner to another
I am a Cancer III, “The Week of the Persuader”, so I may be just the one to offer Donald some good advice. In a discussion in the Oval Office, naturally behind bullet-proof glass, I have a few things to advise him on. “First Mr., you must learn moderation. Second, watch your ego – it is out of control.”
I recall another politician the converse of Trump. On the way to the church, during the 1997 federal campaign on a Sunday morning, candidate Hec Clouthier was heading to Westmeath to attend the Catholic service and of course campaign. However, he stopped at the first church he came to, entered during its well attended service and asked if my father would move over so he could sit. Shortly, he bewilderingly said to my Dad, who he was acquainted with, “Is this the Catholic Church?” It wasn’t, it was the United Church. Hec was gracious enough to stay until the end and I’m certain he picked up a few extra votes. I heard this story months later and played it for what it was worth. Eventually, I crossed paths with Hec numerous times, always reminding him of his faux pas. We both had good laughs over it.
Hec was no Donald Trump by any stretch of the imagination. He had charisma, morality and was popular in the riding regardless of political stripes. Maybe all politicians are not what we say they are!

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