Home Letters The Song of the Lazy Farmer

The Song of the Lazy Farmer


The Song of the Lazy Farmer promotes alfalfa hay in 1931
Country Living by Maynard van der Galien
The success of this farmer’s enterprise was far reaching to all parts of his organization. His land, his cows, his chickens and himself, benefiting from this marvelous crop. We don’t know if he had use of a tractor, binder or a threshing machine. The alfalfa seed germination appears to be working and the land is producing second crops. Storms nor acid rain does not seem to be a problem. There was a lot going on in North America in 1931, however, there is no mention of the drought or the unemployment up into the millions facing the US. He doesn’t even talk about the lower prices for crops. The bottom line, …�ï�¿�½�Â�‚�ï�¿�½�Â�¬�ï�¿�½�Ã�…�ï�¿�½�Â�“Good green alfalfa, full of leaves makes farmin’ pay….�ï�¿�½�Â�‚�ï�¿�½�Â�¬�ï�¿�½�Ã�‚�ï�¿�½�Â� His farming experience is a positive one and it was great that he shared this event with us through this wonder poem. J. Monuk, Woodlawn.

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