Home Council Joint Job Evaluation

Joint Job Evaluation


The Council saw a motion to approve the award o the Joint Job Evaluation and Pay Equity Project to Cornerstones Management Solutions Limited at a cost of $18,725, plus non-refundable HST.

“We are very fortunate the former HR director at county assisted us.” CAO Trembley said.

He said the purpose was that others would evaluate the jobs, rather than us.

“The firm is asking us to identify municipalities.” He said. “We should look at SCOPA services as well as other municipalities.”

“Based on that, when it comes back, council will decide where we want to be percentile wise. I would say for us, we want to be somewhere in the middle.”

“I don’t anticipate there will be major changes. The goal is not to give myself a raise; the goal is to give management the tools to proceed, and to complete the work of the last five years.”

The Mayor asked if this program would create two separate systems that would conflict.

“Each municipalities are being evaluated separately, but we will all be evaluated on the same tool.” Trembley said. “Where your grid starts or ends depend on the municipalities. There’s no cross there.”

Councillor Jackson asked about Mississippi Mills and Carleton Place being used as comparators.

CAO Trembley said that they were included due to wastewater similarity, despite ‘not on a rural scope’.

“When it all comes down to, wen the comparisons come in, it’s still up to Council to decide what to do.” Jackson said, “I think by excluding the ones we said and focusing on the others, I think we’ll be fine. I think they’re so drastically different, I’d like to focus in a little .”

The motion was carried, and the Council took a five-minute break.

The meeting resumed over ten minutes later.

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