Home Council Truck Purchase

Truck Purchase


The Council heard a motion to purchase a Chevy Silverado truck at $42,872 from Mack Mackenzie Motors for use by the Park and Recreation.

Councillor McLaughlin asked what the truck would be used for after the three months of students.

Durocher said that the vehicle would be used by arenas after the initial use.

CAO Trembley said the previous trucks went to ‘gov-deals’ and were surplussed.

Councillor Mackay asked if they already had a new truck from 2018, which Durocher confirmed.

He said that they required the second vehicle “in better shape” for staff.

CAO Trembley said that they had three full-time staff “to cut the grass and check the docks” as well as three summer students, and Durocher had looked at two crews.

“You don’t need a truck if you reduce the service, and I’ll keep repeating that message.” he said.

The motion was carried.

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