Home Council Poles to be painted in Beachburg

Poles to be painted in Beachburg


COBDEN — Whitewater Region council agreed to allow public works summer students paint the North Renfrew Tele Communications poles in Beachburg.
During the public works committee meeting last night, Councillor Cathy Regier said she was approached about a month ago to see if the township could get the poles painted, so they look nice for the upcoming kayak championship games.
“They are in rough shape,” she said.
However, if council agrees to this, caution must be taken to ensure that no hydro poles are painted, she added.
Councillor Dave Mackay noted the poles were painted about eight years ago, just prior to the 150th anniversary of the Beachburg Fair.
Mayor Hal Johnson said painting the hydro poles for the Ottawa Regier Power Corporation could also be a possiblity.
However, after discussion, it was agreed that since the poles are treated, the paint won’t stick to them, so those won’t be done.
There’s hope volunteers will step forward and help with the painting.
Mayor Johnson suggested former municipal politician Art Jamieson can be enticed into not only helping to paint the poles, but encouraging others to help.
Council agreed to the recommendation at the council meeting which followed the committee meetings.

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