Home Letters Potato Fruit

Potato Fruit


Hi Connie:

I just heard of a lady in Pembroke who planted purple potatoes and has discovered potato fruit on her plants. Theses are small tomato-like fruit that is actually seed potatoes.

I have never seen these or even heard of them. We looked it up on the web and sure enough there is such a thing.

I thought you might be interested in this, to write an article for all our farming friends.

Her name is Elaine Castro and she lives at 1000 Poirier St.in Pembroke’s west end. I have received her permission to mention this to you. Her number is listed under Charles Castro. They are my daughter -in-laws parents

I hope you find this of interest.

Best Regards

Paulette Wilson.

P,S. my E-mail address is [email protected] if you need to contact me.

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