Home Health Province extends Emergency Order

Province extends Emergency Order


RENFREW COUNTY (Pembroke) —  On April 14, the Ontario government extended the Declaration of Emergency under the Emergency Management and Civil Protection Act (EMCPA) for a further 28 days. Under the EMCPA, organized public events and social gatherings of more than five people are prohibited. Failure to comply with an emergency order is an offence under the EMCPA and is subject to punishment. 

There are also temporary restrictions on non-essential travel. We all must stay home and do our part to help fight against COVID-19. “We are not stuck in our homes, we are safe in our homes,” emphasized Dr. Cushman. “This does not mean that we must stay inside. Except for those who are in self-isolating or feeling unwell, we can still go outside for walks. When outdoors, avoid crowds and maintain a distance of two metres from others. Limit grocery shopping to once a week at the most. You can also stay connected with friends, family and faith by considering hosting virtual meetings, dinners, and/or ceremonies through telephone and online video chatting services.

Renfrew County and District Health Unit (RCDHU) reminds residents that the best way to prevent further spread and to reduce the risk of illness is to practice physical distancing. This includes: avoiding non-essential trips in the community; if you have to go into the community for an essential trip using taxi or ride-share, keep the windows down; avoid visiting elderly friends or relatives unless the visit is essential; talk to your employer about the possibility of working from home; consider doing virtual meetings instead of in person; avoid sending children to daycare; stay home unless necessary; and maintain a two metre distance from others when outdoors.

Be sure also to follow proper hand hygiene and respiratory etiquette. This includes cleaning your hands frequently with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand rub; covering your mouth and nose with a tissue when you cough or sneeze and then cleaning your hands; and avoiding touching your eyes, nose or mouth, unless you have just cleaned your hands. 

RCDHU says they thank residents for their ongoing support in the fight against COVID-19. “The actions being taken by all to stay home and practice physical distancing are making a difference,” said Dr. Robert Cushman, Medical Officer of Health at RCDHU. “I encourage everyone to continue doing all that we can to slow the spread of this deadly virus.” 

Information about cases of COVID-19 in Renfrew County and District are updated on RCDHU’s website daily at 12:00 p.m. If you are awaiting your COVID-19 test results, you can now access them online. Visit the Government of Ontario’s online portal. For more information, visit RCDHU’s website at https://www.rcdhu.com/novel-coronavirus-covid-19-2/. 

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