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Questions not answered


Those attending Monday night’s all candidates meeting had opportunity to submit questions to candidates.
The organizers of the event wanted to be fair, so opted to only ask one question for each candidate from those submitted.
WhitewaterNews.ca has opted to publish the questions that were not asked. Since the election will be held Monday, we realize none of the questions will be answered. However, some of them may be tackled by the new council as issues to be dealt with.
Incumbent Reeve Don Rathwell: As chair of public works, why would the township lay gravel down now instead of late spring / early summer so it has time to settle? Won’t most of this gravel be in the ditches come spring?; Would you support the county in acquiring the abandoned railway lines for the economic benefit of this municipality and the county? What is the implication of change to the Official Plan to residents?
Reeve candidate Terry Millar: Why should we vote for you rather than for a candidate with many years of experience in township and county governance?; Would you support the county in acquiring the abandoned railway lines for the economic benefit of Whitewater Region and the county?
Incumbent Mayor Jim Labow: How come Whitewater puts in paper to buy local then buys in Pembroke. Is those stores in Pembroke paying taxes to Whitewater Region?; Could you please explain why the chief administrative officer stated in the paper that all the residents along Hwy. 17 were pleased with the construction work on the highway when the councillors know that they were not satisfied with the job?; Is there a bylaw officer in Whitewater Region – re: derelict properties and how much power do they actually have? Some properties are not only unsightly, but downright dangerous.; How will you deal with those who may be elected and have a grievance filed with Whitewater. Can they vote?; Why is it necessary to have a ‘security banner’ between the staff and ratepayers? Has staff been threatened? You could have saved money by saying no to that.? NOTE: There was also a question regarding an ongoing police investigation, but it could not be published.
Mayoral candidate Hal Johnson: We noticed that you did not respond to the questions in WhiteaterNews.ca asked of all the candidates. You said that you were not an author. As you could not be bothered to answer those questions, how do we know that you would respect taxpayers questions in the future…what’s the difference? Why would you not want to inform the readership of your viewpoints?; What is happening with ‘TractorGate” – is this an ongoing issue for the new council?; How can you be a candidate for mayor when you have an ongoing lawsuit against Whitewater Region . Is this a conflict of interest?; In the past, if you have sued the township, which is the taxpayer, how can you now work with and for the taxpayer?
Mayoral candidate Doug Shields: Would you not think some years of experience as a councillor would make you a better candidate for mayor?
Mayoral candidate Councillor Joey Trimm: After four years in finance, does the chair know what he is buying, where he is buying and why more money is spent at the automotive store in Pembroke than in Cobden?; Do you have or know of plans to use the oldrailway lines for recreational use?; If $2 million in red on the roads, what is the budget shortfall on water? How does changing paved roads back to gravel affect the asset management plan?; What are your plans for the terrible end of Sutherland Road? We lose part of our vehicles there each time.; Will you bring back the Lord’s Prayer at meetings?; Why are we paying the township $144 per year for a licence to sell Nevada Tickets for the Ladies Auxiliary of the Legion when we give the monies out to local charities. Is this more money for Whitewater?; With regards to the microfit panels, can you tell us how much money was invested? Where did that money come from? How must is it costing the township to borrow the money? How much revenue are they generating?; Whitewater Township is in debt. Please advise the total amount – must include all departments.; What would you change to make the roads system back to what the roads were like when you were roads super?; Most candidates have spoken about growth and tourism. How would you go about achieving these goals?; What plan do you have to hold water rates down given that they have increased since OCWA (Ontario Clean Water Agency) has taken over?; In this year’s municipal election, I’ve noticed that most areas are electing either a mayor or a reeve. How many municipalities in Ontario have both? Why does Whitewater Region need both a mayor and a reeve?
Councillor candidate John Felix Cull: instead of forcing the township to spend money defending its bylaw in court, why not spend $15 and buy a dog tag? Please do not say it’s the principle of the thing. Explain why it’s the principle of the thing.
Incumbent Councillor Daryl McLaughlin: If Ross Township could afford to pave Magnesium Road before why can’t Whitewater Township afford it now? Does anyone prefer to commute via dirt road?

Incumbent Councillor Allen Dick: Is policing legislated? Why can’t we decide what we pay? Do we pay for policing on Hwy 17?; Do you see there being more work contracting out of work like the MTO has done?; You said you weren’t running for council, then you said you were running for reeve, then you ran for councillor. If you have trouble deciding what position to run for, how can you make decisions as a council member?

Councillor Candidate Dave Mackay: If we can’t afford three arenas now, how many can we afford and which would close?; What assurance would you give ratepayers that roads which were paved and put back to gravel, suppposedly to pack for a better base, will be repaved? This is the 21st century!
Councillor candidate Donna Burns: We understand that you are one of two people in the municipality who are refusing to pay for dog tags. This has resulted in a democratically elected council finally having to take expensive legal action. How much more time and our money should be invested in this challenge? When does it end?; Why are you defending two people who do not want to abide by the township bylaw to buy a dog tag. We know one of them is your husband, so that’s not a reason.

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